Get Up to 30X More Customers In 30 Days.

Our clients closed an average of an extra $175,000 in new home projects in their first 30 days.

Get More Customers

Get more qualified leads and get customers.

Fast Results

Start getting leads within days.

Excellent Services

We are here to guide you every step of the way.

Contractors receive Fresh leads

Simplifying the process of acquiring more customers to the point where it’s as easy as answering the phone

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Average Return On Investment
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Clients Served
0 +
Leads Delivered Per Month

Get More Qualified Leads in 3 Steps

Starting to receive Fresh, qualified leads is effortless with us. Just a few simple steps and our team will be hard at work for you.

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Step 1

See if you Qualify

Apply Today for the services you are looking for and areas you serve to see if they are available.

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Step 2

Talk to a specialist.

You’ll have all your questions addressed to ensure compatibility.

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Step 3

Get More Leads

If everything aligns well, we’ll initiate your campaign setup. Qualified leads will follow shortly thereafter.

We Provide leads for Contracting Services

Here are some of the contracting and home service businesses we serve.




Ground up Construction

Complete Home Remodels



Exterior Paint

A.C Insulation


Backyard Design


Transform Your Home with Best Services

About | Legacy Group

We specialize in home renovations across the US, including kitchen and bathroom transformations. With years of experience, we understand the significance of your home as a reflection of your lifestyle. Our team of skilled professionals collaborates with you from concept to completion, ensuring your vision is brought to life with meticulous attention to detail. Whether you seek modern amenities in your kitchen, a serene oasis in your bathroom, or a complete home overhaul

Projects Completed by Legacy Group

Hear From Past Clients

Let us transform

your house into a home you'll love.